Monday, November 24, 2014

Order from your table IPAD @ Stacked

Stacked in Torrance is a perfect place to go to when you want to eat get your food pay and go without hardly waiting. Perfect if you are grabbing a bite before movie for example. At your table you will find an ipad that you can scroll through the menu to pick your appetizers drinks food and dessert.  You literally begin to stack your ingredients on your burger, pizza or salad.  There are a variety of cheeses, meats, sauces lettuce and bread to choose from to stack to perfection.  Each person takes turns at the ipad then you push the send to kitchen button and you are done.  In a few your waiter will pop up at your table with your meal.  You can also pay right when you finish ordering or you can wait to the end of your meal either way you dont have to flag down a busy waiter you just swipe you card and go.  There is also a button to split the check and you can use multiple cards as well as call for a waiter and pay cash.  If you pay at the beginning and decide you want dessert you simply swipe your card again and stack your ice cream sandwich etc... and hit that send to kitchen button again. I love the fast service and the hands on approach to this restaurant. They also have happy hour and a full bar. Ilove their skinny fries with the curry ketchup or aiola sauce

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